This is my first foray into blogging and I'm hoping it proves useful and productive for everyone involved. Let me try to lay out the rationale for starting this site:
I wanted a place to talk about the issues raised
in Bed Timing, to highlight particular research findings that form the
basis of the book and, most importantly, to provide readers a space to
ask questions and trouble-shoot through their own sleep-training highs
and lows. We’ve been on several call-in radio shows as part of the book
promotion tour and my favorite part of this process has been connecting
with real moms who are in the trenches, trying to solve their own young
children’s sleep problems. I’m hoping to do more of that through this
I’d like this online space to serve several functions:
To provide a Q & A forum in which readers can send me their own
personal sleep training dilemmas and I can try to provide some tailored advice, based on
my developmental training (and some personal experience!). Please,
feel free to email me any
question related to your child’s sleep issues, or developmental
challenges that may be relevant to their sleeping. If you’re worried
about something, there’s sure to be many, many other parents in the
same boat. I’ll post questions and answers several times per week.
To highlight the latest research findings on the link between
children’s sleep and cognitive and emotional well-being (both the
child’s and the parent’s). I’ve got tons and tons of research that I’ve
compiled, summarized, and critiqued. Much of Bed Timing is based on
that research. I’d like to post relevant studies, articles, and new
research findings on a weekly basis and have you comment about the
usefulness and relevance of that material.
(3) To develop a
supportive community for parents and caregivers that can help parents
help each other through one of the most harrowing developmental
challenges. The extent to which this goal will be realized is all about
So… clearly, this blog isn't going to get very far without your thoughts, criticisms, questions, and general feedback. I'd love to hear what you have to say…
Welcome to blogging and to TypePad.
(Parent of — knock on wood — a good sleeping 18 month old son.